Fokker Dr.1 (Mandfred Von Richthofen) Revell 1:72 – Modeling
Continuing the theme of the Primera Guerra Mundial another very famous aircraft participated in the contest and which is more known Red Baron (Mandfred Von Richthofen) is the Fokker Dr.I with which rider from the middle of his racing career till the day of his death. The kit is brand Revell a scale 1:72 It is rather small but looks good is the quality I talk but his prints are very small I think it can be a nice model of the Fokker World War.
A little history about the Fokker Dr.I :
El Fokker Dr.I It was a German fighter Primera Guerra Mundial built by the company of Anthony Fokker. When he burst on the Western Front in late 1917, piloted by legendary aces as "Red Baron", Manfred von Richthofen , the small number of Dr.I achieved an impressive track record of victories in combat.
The multiplanes Sopwith Triplane entered service with the Royal Naval Air Service and RNAS, in no small measure thanks to the tremendous aggressiveness and skill of their pilots, sowed anxiety among German airmen. The multiplanes into action during the Battle of Arras, April 1917. When a triplane crashed behind German lines, his remains were studied every detail. Even the commander of the Imperial German Air Service, El General of Hoeppner , publicly he praised the British fighter. By spring 1917, almost all major aviation companies tried to make a game triplane.
June 1917 chief designer Reinhold Platz in collaboration with the chief engineer quickly remade the planes Möser, and D.VI It came to light at the beginning of July 1917. It was the first German triplane, and it was immediately assessed by Lieutenant Werner Voss , by then a famous ace.
Platz had previously designed extremely advanced fighter biplanes, with wings fully cantilever, and he projected Likewise the D.VI, since the short span of triplane wings facilitated without using braces. the two lower planes were attached to the upper and lower fuselage, and uprights were the only steel pipes ” V ” inverted supported a higher plane far above the fuselage. This plane was the only one available ailerons, light controlled by rods.3 Moved by a rotary engine from Oberursel Ur.II 110 cv, the D.VI behaved excellently in flight tests, but before being sent to Hungary in August, the size of the upper level was increased and spoilers. To remove light wing vibrations, Light wood studs and currentilínea were added in section ” I “, linking planes near the tip. The armament consisted of two machine guns LMG 08/15 de 7,92 mm.
Una replica del famoso Fokker DR.I
Installation and coloring kit:
This kit is simple has few parts but some very small, the connection between parts is quite good and the use of sandpaper is almost nil, the only downside I have seen is that the negative engraving is very little so deep that if we use a primer and then we spent with layers of paint, engraving goodbye to ailerons and other panels.
The two versions of the kit are paint red outline belonging to "Red Baron" (Mandfred Von Richthofen) and his brother Lothar Von Richthofen which it is a mixture of green colors, amarillo, Red and blue.
For the work I am doing I chose the paint scheme that use the famous German ace Mandfred Von Richthofen (The Red Baron).
I start with the assembly of the wings, landing gear and engine, since the interior has some details to be painted.
While dry gluing step to paint the propeller as the wooden dummy process created with oils it is what most will take to dry. To simulate wood oils I used sienna and dark brown and a small brush, I cover first propeller with dark brown and then moisten the brush with Siena and even strokes will give copper dark brown to go up to look like wood strips.
Once everything is assembled and dry step painting process, Although this model and has very superficial comment and advise recorded directly onto the plastic paint without a primer I will try this to see if you can save, so I print a past gray primer.
While the primer dry I can continue with the engine, since I will use a color glaze and it does not need a primer to be a very small part. For the motor paint to use is the color Humbrol silver with n.ref 011 and a color cobre X-6 acrilico de Tamiya for intake pipes.
Step to paint the plane, To do this I will use 3 shades of red using one base Matte red XF-7 de Tamiya, for the first layer is dark red tone for this mix black base color to share 10 red to 1 black and paint with the airbrush.
The next step is to use the following shade of red that is the basis, which serves to clarify some areas with the task of simulating wear and some light reflections, areas to paint with this color with the edges of the wings and fuselage top aft of the cockpit and the engine covers upper and central part where does the propeller shaft.
And finally the 3 shade of red, the clearest of the three to do so I mix the base color red matte white XF-7 with a ratio 10 a 1. With clarified parts of the wings, and protruding front part of the skeleton of the same and give more light to the rear wings and upper fuselage behind the cockpit.
Although right now the difference in tones not notice once varnish to protect the paint will come out.
Before varnishing the Fokker, step to assemble the engine and the right colors to paint with other parts of the plane, like tires and machine guns that I use negro mate XF-1 de Tamiya, protection for the edges of the cockpit that simulates leather matt dark brown XF-10 Tamiya and tensioning cables I made with plastic stretched and which also paint in black.Mess a little engine– diluted in white spirits de AK.
And I paint the anchor shaft plata de Humbrol N.Ref 011.
Step protect the paint glossy varnish Tamiya XF-22. This step and the work of the Red hues are note.
Once work well dried apply the coating step Fokker decals, using liquids for the job.
Applied the decals and letting a few hours to adhere to good step varnished with the same paint I used to also protect them from paint next steps.
past 24 hours varnish is dry enough to work with oils, with dark brown attempt to highlight the recesses, As I mentioned in the beginning and as imagined when using several layers engravings they have almost disappeared so I tried to do the job almost in vain.
Almost with the kit Fokker Dr.I step to protect the finished work of the model with varnishing oils Vallejo satin varnish N.Ref. 70.522
Autor Armand C.M.